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You must have ICQ.
 If theres no way you could possibly get ICQ for some reason let one of the leaders know.


You must make binds in order for us to keep good communication during CB'S
You open up UT press your ~ key an type preferences
Go to Advanced then to Raw Key Bindings
You type 'Teamsay' then the bind so it would look like, Teamsay Cover me!
Now depending on which you play more often 'Offense' or 'Defense' you get the binds that would help you tell your teamates what happining
Just pick the binds below that you would think to be most usefull during a cb
I'm going for the flag! Cover Me!
Cover Me!
I Am Here!
Flag Carrier High!
Flag Carrier Low!
I'm Covering Flag Carrier!

You have to sign up for OGL which is
You have to sign up for Proving Grounds which is
If you need help signing up for them just ask a member of the clan to help you.

We have a chat on
Try to be in there anytime that you are on UT
That way we can find out which servers your playing on
Alway before a CB go into the chat
First click on the Tab that says chat
Then were it says IRC server type
Where it says default channel type #assassins an connect and your in
We also have a privat chat which is #clanad (pw)
If you need the pw ask someone
That room is for clan meetings only
Why we use ] [ these for our tag is you can't into chat with weird symbols on your name